Hang over mood on Ko Phangan?

or: full moon was yesterday


Coffee here is brewed so strong that you are awake after the first sip you take *bam*… But not because of the caffeine. Today it’s quite good to get a kick into the day.

Yesterday we went to another jam session. The music was really good and the musicians harmonized very well. I had a great evening and I went to bed at around 4 am.
The jam session was in a bar without walls. It is just a roof on columns directly on the beach. A really nice atmosphere. Due to the wind it was quite cold… but of course compared to Europe it was still warm… I shouldn’t complain.

There I talked to a guy who fighted against cancer and his weapon where a change in his life style. At least 60 % of his nutrition now are organic, raw food and he exercises a lot and has some other strategies like ‘grounding’ and some more. And won his battle. He looks older than he was but of course I don’t know what kind of life style he lived before. It was really interesting to talk to him and it strenghthened my opinion in how important the way of nutrition is to our health.

When we went home from the jam session we saw many taxis which carried people from the full moon party to their accommodations. Other guests from Chai Country went there but they told that not many people where there, the music was too loud and they left after about one hour. We were also thinking of having a look what the full moon party is like but today I’m happy that we didn’t do that.

Now it’s 4.30 pm and for me the day started just few hours ago.
‘Really it’s getting dark in one and a half hour? I just had breakfast!’
And by the way, I had fried cashew nuts with potatoes and vegetables and rice. Again it was very delicious.


Today it is still windy and the sea is not really inviting.
I don’t know if there are plans for this evening. The other guests are watching videos right now and I am sitting on my balcony, just hanging around.

On the foto above you can see my today’s view. There are still fishing ships near the coast. And on the right side you can see the dangerous plam tree, which looks quite harmless here.

There is the idea of going out for dinner, to a restaurant run by a friend of my friend. It’s just an idea and let’s see what the evening brings.

EDIT: just one hour later, the view from my balcony looked like this…

… and the sea was like this.

Such a beautiful sunset today!

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